Mudsters of the Universe is a Brisbane based blog aimed
at raising Cyclocross interest in South East Queensland

Monday, August 22, 2011

Slow Down Son

Two posts in one day? I better pace myself.

Got back from holidays in FNQ on Saturday and found this waiting for me.

I have only read the first two chapters and had a flick through some of the good stuff. I have to say that for anyone with an interest in 'cross, this is the book you want to get your hands on.

It is full of awesome information and you can tell from the writing that Simon loves his 'cross. I may just steal some of the best bits I find and share on here.

eBay Watch

I don't really like posting eBay sales but 'cross bikes in Brisbane are far and few between. This older Redline bike just turned up this morning, and would make a great first time ride. Link here

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Shimano Cyclocross Shoe

Rumors on the net point to a Shimano CX specific shoe in the works, I have no further details other then this picture. I will post more info as it comes to light.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Looking for trouble

Independent Fabrication would have to make some of my favorite cyclocross frames ever. This one just popped up on ebay link

I have to say big balls to the guy that put all the nice clean white parts on it.

Independent Fabrications website